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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Digital Painting - My Home Garden

I can't believe how long it's been since I started this 'painting'!  Anyway, today I got the bug again and for a while now I've been thinking about how I can do this and I've decided to use my digital skills to create my artwork from now on and believe me it's a lot harder than it might look!

The first thing I did was to scan in my original sketch and quickly add the black lines over the top:

This was done rather crudely on purpose just to get the lines in roughly the right place.

Then I added lots and lots of guide lines where I wanted the lines to be and moved the crudely placed lines in to the right positions:

It might look nice and simple but it took several hours and a lot of fiddling about to get the lines not only in the right place, but to touch each other correctly without any overlap.

Then it was time to add some colour:

Again, it might look quite simple but it was a lot of faffing about to get it looking right.

I have exported the file and sent off for an A4 canvas print so within the next week or so I will see how it turns out.  I've also ordered some canvas paper for an inkjet printer which I shall try too and compare them both to conclude which is the best outcome.

All going well I will use this method to create some more digital artwork.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

My First (and possibly last) Painting

It's been a while since I started my painting (I've been a bit distracted with other things) so I've only just gotten around to adding a touch of colour yesterday and toady:

I'm not that impressed with my efforts and the above example is not my first, second or even third attempt and there is simply too much bleeding of the black lines for my liking.

I might try again or I might do it slightly differently, I'm going to have a think about it...

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Giving It A Go

I've never done any painting before in my life (until now) so for the last few days I have been experimenting with different types of masking tape and paint brushes to see how I get on with it and then today I decided it was time to put all my testing together and see how I get on painting my first masterpiece!...

Now that I've ruled out the outline of the painting I can add some masking tape ready for painting the black.

Now the masking tape is on I can apply the black lines and the remove it for the straightest lines I can possibly do.

A little bit of bleeding, now to do the rest and then start colouring it in which I shall do once the black has properly dried.